The Princess Royal visits site at Thames Tideway's new 'Chelsea Quay'

HED were very proud to be a part of the team to welcome The Princess Royal on site at Tideway London's new public realm at Chelsea Quay earlier this month. 🤴 Princess Anne laid a brick within one of the feature walls, and was the first to officially step out on to the new public open space, created as part of the Thames Tideway sewer installation works.
Sir Neville Simms, Tideway's Chair, said: "It was an honour to welcome Her Royal Highness to this amazing new space at Chelsea Quay. Not only does it give incredible views of the city, it's also been carefully designed and crafted to pay tribute to its local environment and offers a beautiful addition to the city."
Read the article on Tideway London's site here: Tideway | The Princess Royal gets a sneak peek at London's newest landmark 'Chelsea Quay'